Modern BBS for ANSI terminals available now!
We recommend different terminals for different situations.
- Windows: SyncTERM
- macOS: MuffinTerm
- Linux: SyncTERM
- iOS/iPadOS: MuffinTerm
- Android: My fTelnet or see below
- Chrome OS/Web: See below or My fTelnet
- Samsung Smart Fridge: Why? My fTelnet
- You can also self-host fTelnet or SyncTERM Web Service
Web Browser Access
Try connecting using SyncTERM (Windows and Linux), MuffinTerm (macOS, iOS, and iPadOS), or My fTelnet (web-based)!
How to connect
Experienced users / other terminals
Connect to port 23 over Telnet.
SyncTERM / SyncTERM Web Service
Screenshots were taken with SyncTerm Web Service, however, instuctions also work with SyncTERM.
Press the Insert/Ins key or press Enter while selecting the blank space.
Type "DavidDGTNT BBS" into the name field as shown above, then press Enter.
Select Telnet with the arrow keys as shown above, then press Enter.
Type "" into the addresss field as shown above, then press Enter.
To enter the BBS, use the arrow keys to select DavidDGTNT BBS, then press Enter.
MuffinTerm (iOS/iPadOS)
There are no instructions for macOS. If you would like to make some, please contact me at david at daviddgtnt dot xyz or daviddgtnt on the BBS.
Tap on the screen and tap the dialing directory icon (shown above).
Choose the + icon (shown above).
Type “DavidDGTNT BBS” into the BBS name field. Type “” into the server hostname/IP field. The fields save automatically.
To connect, tap the dialing directory, choose DavidDGTNT BBS, and tap Connect.
My fTelnet
Click or tap the "Add a new entry" button.
Type "DavidDGTNT BBS" into the description box. Type "" into the hostname box. Type "23" into the port box. Leave all other settings the same. Click or tap Save.
To connect to the BBS, click or tap DavidDGTNT BBS.